Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade

News & Events


  • Sep 21, 2023

“WORLD PEACE AND NON-VIOLENCE DAY” was celebrated in Milagres Degree college on 21 September 2023 at 12:00 pm in the college auditorium to the Milagres degree students, by Paying tribute to Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi and their enduring legacy of peace for the world. Mr. Denson D’silva, College President, spoke about the significance of the day. World Peace and Non-Violence Day is an occasion of great importance that promotes the values of peace, harmony, and non-violence around the world. In a world often marked by conflict and discord, the pursuit of peace and non-violence is an essential endeavor. Students, as the future leaders and influencers of society, bear significant responsibilities in contributing to this noble cause.